Here's an interesting clip:
“This compromise is being blocked by the Senate (Minority) Leader who has refused to allow Senators to move forward and vote on amendments to this bill,” said the president. “I call on the Senate Minority Leader to end his blocking tactics and allow the Senate to do its work..."
Does that sound at all familiar? Perhaps Barack Obama is taking his struggle with the GOP over the stimulus package directly to the people, hmm?
No, that was actually George W. Bush a couple of years ago, when the 109th Congress was trying to get a comprehensive immigration bill passed. It was ironic then, given the roughshod treatment of Democrats through the first six years of his reign, but it's something worse than that in today's context.
Most folks already know this, but in case the paper-boy can't reach your penthouse, let me be the one to tell you that the U.S. economy is stuck in the privy. The important work at which our representatives now toil is being held up by those same Senate Republicans. The worst offender, naturally, is John McCain.
Like many of his partisan colleagues, Arizona's senior senator whines that Democrats are ignoring the reservations of his Party. He also accuses them of using the stimulus bill to go hog-wild on spending, and claims to be working on an online petition, cheerfully titled, "Vote No On The Stimulus".
It seems to me, as a constituent of his, that Americans already signed a big petition last year, called, "Vote No On John McCain" (and, by association, the Republican Party). He means well, but Obama is reaching out to a pack of snarling dogs - who don't have to be fed if they don't like the hand that does the feeding.
Sure, everyone wants to feel wanted, but being human speed bumps is at this point in time unacceptable. Since every overture is met with insincere conservative melodrama, the Democrats should go ahead and give them a trillion or so things to really cry about.
As for McCain, if his deliberate stonewalling bothers you (and it should), go ahead and tell him about your frustration. Ordinarily, I would advise you to be respectful to anybody in public office, but he's a Navy man. He can take it.
His office telephone number is (2o2) 224-2235.
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