The latest numbers are in, and it doesn't look good for the minority Party. Today only twenty percent of Americans identify themselves as Republicans. Since they have already displayed an amazing incapacity for shame, one can only assume that the GOP is splintering under the weight of the Rush Limbaughs of the world.
Such confused little people, these Republicans. They look up at a wooden cross and declare, Right to Life. Paint that cross red and the tune changes. Demonization becomes policy. Compassion goes out the window. Their health care plan could be coined Single Prayer.
In that regard, fright-wing media should be in line for the Medal of Freedom, with their suicidal tendencies sending conservatives scattering like billiard balls. Many will cling to Sarah Palin's skirts. Some will follow Ron Paul (not caring where he leads them). Others will go into their Libertarian shells. Any way you slice it, the Party's over.
And no wonder. Being stupid is one thing; not getting out of the way is another crime entirely. Find me a Republican plan. Health-savings accounts? Gambling. Not only does that idea amount to you paying out of pocket, it ignores everything we've come to know about capitalism in the past year.
They're clearly not interested in reforming health care in any fashion. The Party of No Way would rather see tens of thousands of Americans die each year than do anything to insult, or even annoy, the megabillion-dollar industry that uses our premiums to line their pockets every year. (The same can be said of the Blue Dog Democrats, who may have finally underestimated the mindset of their constituents.)
It's as though they're watching a person bleed to death in front of them, standing there and doing nothing while shrieking at those who are trying to stanch the bleeding, "You're doing it wrong! You're doing it wrong!"
Even the concept of a public option - a government-run, premium-supported non-profit with limited eligibility - causes them to react with the kind of feigned horror normally reserved for mimes. That's all they are, mimes with sound. Who needs that?
In 2001, the GOP found a trillion dollars to alleviate the tax burden on the wealthiest of Americans. In 2003, they found a trillion dollars to pay for a needless war in Iraq. In 2008, the Bush White House left the American taxpayers on the hook for a trillion dollars' worth of bank bailouts - all the while racking up record deficits year after year.
Ask them, though, for any measure of relief against a predatory industry that gets in between patients and their doctors and suddenly they've rediscovered fiscal conservatism. If you think the madness ends there, you know nothing of their ways:
They're a joke. They're a gag. And if they keep this up, they'll be extinct, and our nation can get back to the business that the Founding Fathers intended.
pH 1o.2o.o9
we dont have to worry about being insured - we might all die of the swine flu anyway, b/c this administration cant get their sh*t together.
gee, now i sound like kerry and the rest of the democrats on bushy for not having enough vaccines for the bird flu back in 2005.
and boom goes the dynamite!
You poor thing. You're afraid of the flu. The CDC is saying that 22 million vaccines are now on the market, such as it is, which is an increase of 8 million over last week.
Seems the Obama administration can't do anything right by you. Happy sneezing!
Just wait "one hot second", heller...i was just poking fun at the dems back in '05 and present day.
i also think the republicans and democrats have disastrous solutions to the healthcare problem. with the latter being even worse/
you know if bush was still in office - the dems would be up in arms, and raising all hell.
"Federal health officials now say that 4,000 or more Americans likely have died from swine flu"
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the average number of deaths from seasonal influenza in any given year is around 36,000.
Yes, thirty-six thousand.
So, if you're so anxious to have Obama somehow "do more" with regard to the swine flu, why would you also oppose his efforts to get more (if not all) Americans insured?
Oops - I'm sorry. I'm not supposed to mention the schizophrenia. Impolite.
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