It is an old expression, yes, but one that has not lost its value or luster through the ages: Never interrupt your enemy when he is in the process of hanging himself. That should really be a private experience.
At the same time, though, one cannot help but laugh out loud as the Republican Party keeps slipping on banana peels. Look no further than Louisiana Senator David Vitter, who continues to excoriate the values of Democrats, and whose name was found in the D.C. Madame's little black book. He is, and always will be, a microcosm.
President Barack Obama has also taken note of these little ironies that keep popping up out of right field. He is absolutely correct when he says that these are simply not the folks to be lecturing anyone about economics (or much of anything else) these days.
Legislatively speaking, the GOP is dead in the water. Their titular heads, RNC Chairman Michael Steele and talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, have tilted lances several times. After standing united for so long, such divisions have become major weaknesses, with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Their Next Big Thing, Louisiana Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, laid an egg in his televised response to Obama's recent address to Congress. Think Mister Rogers, only without a nice bone in his body.
Other young Turks include Florida governor Charlie Crist, House Minority Whip Eric Cantor and, of course, Alaska's own Sarah Palin. For her part, Palin will always be considered the cleavage of the Republican Party, bringing nothing more to the table than an ideological quarterback controversy.
It is obvious that "The Base" loves her (in a way that is perhaps not entirely healthy). They think she should have been the nominee instead of John McCain last year. The Party leadership considers her to be poison. They believe she dragged the ticket down with equal parts inexperience and schlock.
Somewhere in between those two camps lies the forest in which conservatives are doomed to wander for at least the foreseeable future. Their stances against the environment, the economy and the working people of this country aren't helping their image, either.
Are there any solutions for them? Of course there are, but I'm not about to start giving them advice. It's not what they want to hear. And besides... They're busy right now.
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