Friday, August 21, 2009

Scared to Death

Few things in life are as daunting as a confrontation with a cornered animal. That creature, out of time and room and options, will do anything to save its hide. It will not operate out of intellect or reason, but out of fear and desperation. I'm talking about conservative talk-show hosts.

For the last twenty years, supposed right-wing values have been regurgitated into microphones across the land, with their chief function being full-time demonization of all things liberal. Anyone who soaks in such a foul brew cannot help but absorb the bitter flavors of its content.

After the 2008 election, when all of these clowns were honking about the Fairness Doctrine, I pooh-poohed the notion that such would be reimposed. After all, these fake-media conservatives had thrown everything they had at Barack Obama during the campaign, and he still carried the day with barely a struggle.

After the inauguration, they changed tactics, transforming into a hideous gaggle of cowards. Since then, every single talk-show host has assumed the same fetal stance: They're frightened. Obama's scary. He's dangerous. Rush Limbaugh even claimed that the new president "spooks" him.

It's not as though these human corporations are sincere - oh, please. They aren't really peeing their pants every day for hours on end. But that's exactly what they want their listeners to do. Fear-mongering among conservatives is nothing new; now there are revelations that the color-coded terror alert system was used repeatedly in 2004 to keep John Kerry's poll numbers down as he tried to unseat the worst president we've ever seen.

What they're trying to do - and I'm hardly the first one to say this - is get President Obama killed. That's a touchy subject, sure, but they don't care. To them there really isn't any other solution to this popular and transcendant political figure. They know they can't stop him so they're whipping their base into a mindless froth (which doesn't take much... ask any dead abortion doctor's next of kin).

Look, if Barack Obama really is frightening and dangerous and all of that, then he's a threat to America. That's why you see these freaks at the town hall meetings, hysterically shrieking about wanting "their country" back. That's why Obama is continually compared to Hitler, over and over again, both on and off the airwaves.

Even to the impartial observer, every sentence that emerges from the muck of AM radio constitutes an attempt to subcontract an extemporaneous assassin, and that has to stop. They say the First Amendment protects them in their deadly quest, but that's a pretty thin argument.

If I were a deranged liberal, and felt that my president was in danger, I'd have to consider taking out a Limbaugh or a Hannity or a Savage (or a Beck or a Levin or a Medved). I'm a strong adherent to the Second Amendment. I'm a pretty decent shot, too, having killed and eaten a good many deer in my day.

(Trust me on this; a white-tail deer is a rather miniscule target compared to Rush, whose address can be found on the Palm Beach County Sheriff's website.)

Is there a law against protecting a president from an imminent attack? Might there be a precedent for picking off a clear conservative threat from 300 yards out as it practices its backswing? What do we call that again?

Oh, yeah, now I remember. We call that a "pre-emptive strike". Lawful or not, this sort of thing was thought to be a good idea when Republicans were in power. We called it the Bush Doctrine. And nobody cared.

pH 8.21.o9

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