Tuesday, March 30, 2010


In the wake of health care reform, Republicans in Congress have drifted into a state of arrested development, a condition not likely to change anytime soon. It is doubtful, as well, that their constituents understand what that means.

Now that the health care battle is over, the losers have discovered a new mantra, which they hope will bolster their lagging fund-raising efforts: "Repeal Obamacare." Out of sheer common courtesy, let's examine that utterly senseless idea and see where logic leads us.

In order to repeal existing law, House Republicans would have to get a dozen or so Democrats to flip their votes on something they just passed. So, taking divine intervention into account, let's assume they do so. The bill would move on to the Senate, where one out of every six Democrats would have to also change their minds.

Assuming a 16-plus percent insanity rate, let's entertain that notion, too. The bill to repeal would then find itself sitting on President Obama's desk.

"Hmmmm," he might say. "Should I sign this bill, or veto it? On the one hand, it would... But on the other, I could... Uh, no." So he would veto the bill to repeal. Conservatives would be stunned, as they so often are.

At that point, in this wonderful system of government set up for us by the Founding Fathers, the Senate would then have the opportunity to override the president's veto. That would only take 67 votes.

The fact that every single Republican in Washington is pushing this idea, that the health care reform law could possibly be repealed, shows us one of two things. They're either insincere or they're stupid.

Whichever the case may be, these people are not to be taken seriously as the nation moves forward out of the economic malaise left behind by the previous administration. Neither insincerity nor stupidity can justify a policy focus that consists of a fantasy and nothing more.

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